Experimental Characterization and Phenomenological Modeling of the Hysteretic Behavior of Timber Connections in Seismic Areas

Phd of  Agnese SPEDICATO

Abstract :

This PhD proposal is part of a joint-supervision project between the Università di Napoli Federico II (UniNa) in Italy and ISAE SUPMECA. The research project deals with the modelling of the hysteretic behaviour of wooden building joints with dowel-type fasteners.
The scientific challenge of this thesis is represented by the implementation of a hysteretic model able to take into account the softening behavior of these joints and their highly nonlinear dynamic response. This feature is very important in the case of wooden buildings in seismic zones, as it can lead to premature damage of the joints. It is therefore necessary for the development of high-rise wooden buildings to establish reliable models, capable of accurately estimating the dissipative capacities of these connections. To achieve this objective, the thesis will rely on the experimental measurement campaign on vibrating table and the implementation and identification of an appropriate hysteretic model.

Supervision : 

Under supervison of Professeur Jean-Luc DION (ISAE-Supméca) and MCF Stefania LO FEUDO


Localisation : ISAE-SUPMECA