Acoustic absorption and attenuation represent a major challenge for many applications in construction, transport and ventilation systems. These practical aspects are linked to acoustic propagation in thermo-viscous fluids and taking into account sub-wavelength structure.

These mechanisms are the basis of models of porous and materials, poroelastic materials and metamaterials in which the competition between resonances and dissipation is crucial for their functioning (ANR METAUDIBLE 2013-2017).

Atténuation dans un guide d’onde traité par un métaporeux. Onde guidée, métamatériaux, homogénéisation.

Attenuation in a waveguide treated by a metaporous material. Guided wave, metamaterials, homogenisation.

Accounting for losses remains a challenge for simulation and allows exploring unusual wave phenomena such as exceptional points (Collaboration UTC).

The team develops simulation methods, such as the EasterEig, project,
new materials and the associated experimental resources.


Metamaterials for conduit attenuation (collaboration LAUM Xiong, Aurégan, Bi

Microstructure of a polymer foam (SEM SUPMECA)

Surface de Riemann illustrant un point exceptionnel (fusion de 2 valeurs propres)

Riemann surface illustrating an exceptional point (fusion of 2 eigenvalues)