Category theory for consistency between multilevel system modeling (MBSE) and safety (MBSA)

Phd of Julien VIDALIE and

Abstract :

The thesis focuses on the topic of system architecture to safety analysis models consistency. Those models aim at representing a same system towards two different modeling intents, representation of the architecture and safety validation of the system. It is therefore necessary to show that both models indeed represent the same system, namely that they are consistent with each-other. There exist different methodologies that allow for consistency assertion and synchronisation of models. In this work we propose a mathematical frame within which such models can be represented, and a general definition of what is a consistency relation between such mathematical objects. This intention of this thesis is to provide means to formally represent MBSE/MBSA models synchronisation methodologies and to do mathematical proofs that such a methodology is efficient. This thesis is part of the S2C project (, which is a collaborative project between IRT SystemX and IRT St Exupery. This project is done in partnership with academic, industrial and institutional entities.

Supervision :

Under supervision of Professor Jean-Yves CHOLEY (ISAE-Supméca) and MCF Faïda MHENNI (ISAE-Supméca)


Localisation : ISAE-SUPMECA