Contribution à l’optimisation de l’usinage des matériaux composites à base métalliques par le procédé de jet d’eau abrasif

Thèse de DOUIRI Marwa

The aim of this research is to optimize the integrity of surface of composite intermetallic Ti-Al machined by WJC. The first step is defined the machining parameters of the process : cutting speed V, Pressure of cutting P, mass flow rate F is chosen to determine their effects on surface roughness Sa and surface layer and width of the kerf. The second step is using integrated method, which mixed Taguchi method and response surface methodology RSM, the RSM model was developed as a tool to predict the integrity of surface of composite intermetallic Ti-Al based machined by WJC. The significance of the machining parameters was obtained using analysis of variance (ANOVA) based on S/N ratio, which show that cutting pressure P, cutting speed V and the mass flow rate were the most significant parameters. The integrate method of Taguchi and RSM was validated by conducting validation experiment to ensure that it can work accurately as a prediction tool.

Key words : Recycled Composite intermetallic Ti-Al based, WJC, Pressure (P), cutting speed (V), mass flow rate (F), Response surface methodology RSM, Taguchi method, Surface roughness Sa.

Cadre : Bourse Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique en tunisie, sous la Direction de Prof. BAYRAKTAR Emin, Cergy University, Inscrit à l’Ecole Doctorale Sciences et Ingénierie (ED n°417)