Enseignant chercheur
Établissement : ECAM-EPMI

Applied mathematics, 
Dynamical systems, 
Numerical Simulations


Phd in mathematics and modeling.

Subjects taught : Linear systems - Digital signal processing - Random signal modeling.


Research Activities/CV :

Degrees :


12/102018-08/06/2022 : Phd in mathematics and modeling, intiteled « Etude et Optimisation du modèle de deux chémostats en série » at « Mistea, INRAE, Agro Institute, Montpellier University, France » Codirected by Tewfik SARI (tewfik.sari@inrae.fr) and Alain RAPAPORT (alain.rapaport@inrae.fr).


09/2016-06/2018 : Master in applied mathematics "biomathematics and modelling" at Abou Bakr Belkaid University in Tlemcen, Algeria. Thesis of end of study directed by HAFFAF Wafaa (wafaa.haffaf@mail.univ-tlemcen.dz). http://dspace.univ-tlemcen.dz/handle/112/13238.


09/2013-06/2016 : Licence in fundamental mathematics and computer sciences at Abou Bakr Belkaid University in Tlemcen, Algeria.


Scientific Publications :

  1. The productivity of two serial chemostats. Manel Dali-Youcef and Tewfik Sari. International Journal of Biomathematics, 2022.
  1. Some non-intuitive properties of serial chemostats with and without mortality. Manel Dali-Youcef, Jérôme Harmand, Alain Rapaport and Tewfik Sari. MathMod Conference, Vienna July, 27-29, 2022.
  1. Performances study of two serial interconnected chemostats with mortality. Manel Dali-Youcef, Alain Rapaport and Tewfik Sari. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2022, DOI  : 10.1007/s11538-022-01068-6.
  1. Study of performance criteria of serial configuration of two chemostats. Manel Dali Youcef, Alain Rapaport and Tewfik Sari. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2020, DOI : 10.3934/mbe.2020332.