Seminar of Chemseddine BENKALFATE, ES, 20/01/2022

We are pleased to announce the seminar of Chemseddine BENKALFATE, titled "Study and Realization of RF and Microwave Energy Harvesting Systems", Thème Électronique des Systèmes.

on 20/01 at 13h15 via Teams.

Abstract : 

The electromagnetic waves present in our environment are an unused form of energy today. Its recovery allow to feed low power consumption electronic devices such as Sensors, Smart-Watches, biomedical devices, ... etc., operating for a given power supply. RF energy harvesting applications have become the concern of many researchers in the EEE (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) domain. Different architectures of RF energy harvesting systems are roposed according to the electrical characteristics of the equipments to be powered as well as the application domains (RFID, WSN, Stand-By systems ...etc.). The RF energy harvesting systems are mainly formed by an antenna followed by a matched rectifier (rectenna). The main objective of the thesis work is to realize many compact and efficient RF energy harvesting systems able to collect the electromagnetic waves present in the environment and transform them into an exploitable form of energy to ensure an energy autonomy, and to pass from a partial mobility (in terms of data) to a total mobility (in terms of data + energy) of the portable equipments.

Study and Realization of RF and Microwave Energy Harvesting Systems

Chemseddine BENKALFATE
Team Électronique des Systèmes